Professional athletes look for any edge they can get to not only become stronger and more flexible, but also to stay healthy.
More and more athletes are doing all of the above with help from vibration training.
It’s estimated that about half the NFL teams use vibration training machines.
However, these machines are so versatile that many senior citizens and rehab centers use them as well. Celebrities, college and high school athletes and even average every day people exercise on them as well.
A sales rep who uses and sells 3G Cardio vibration machines may have summed it up best: “Everyone can find their own value in vibration training, whether it’s strength training, flexibility and/or massage. Some people even use vibration trainers to help treat chronic health problems.”
Although countless people are readily seeing the benefits of vibration training, the medical community doesn’t have many studies on this ancient training theory that’s really had a mainstream resurgence in the past decade.
Most studies that have been produced are positive.
And the studies that were inconclusive or negative? They were probably performed on a sub-standard vibration machine.
“Most ‘failed’ studies (on vibration training) were conducted on sub-par machines, and that’s why they failed to produce any substantial results,” Gabriel Ettenson, a Boulder, Colorado-based physical therapist, told Men’s Journal. “Of the tremendous number of ‘positive’ studies, 85 to 90 percent were done on one particular platform called the Galileo, a high G-force machine.
“They simulate higher levels of gravity, or increase G-forces, through a plate that oscillates up and down at varying intensities,” Ettenson continued.
According to vibration-machine-reviews.com, 3G Cardio also produces high-quality vibration machines, which are capable of producing the high G-forces necessary to provide a worthwhile workout.
The 3G Cardio AVT™ Vibration Machines – available in 3.0, 5.0 and 6.0 models – provide all of the power, sturdiness and ease to use of leading competitors, but at about half the price.
With those kind of attributes going for 3G Cardio Vibration Trainers, it comes as no surprise that the following reviewers have given the company based out of Phoenix, Ariz., Best Buy awards:
* The Fitness Professor
* Vibration-machine-reviews.com
* vibratationplatereview.com
The 3G Cardio 3.0 (MSRP $2,499, At Home Fitness sale price $1,999), 5.0 (MSRP $3,999, AHF sale price $3,599) and 6.0 machines (MSRP $4,999, AHF sale price $4,499) give people the chance to experience all the benefits of vibration training, but at a much lower cost than some other comparable machines.
Among other positive studies on vibration training, research published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found that the group using vibration training in an eight-week experiment experienced significant improvements in flexibility, muscle strength and vertical leap. No significant changes were found in the control group.
In another article reported in PLOS ONE in Germany, researchers demonstrated that vibration training can provide significant complementary benefits in young, well-trained adults compared to training programs that do not include whole body vibration exercises.