By now many people have heard about the innovative new 2012 3G Cardio  AVT™ 5.0 (Accelerated Vibration Training) Plate and 3G Cardio  AVT™ 6.0(Accelerated Vibration Training) Plate.

They know that through accelerated vibration training people can come closer than ever to achieving their fitness and health potential. They know that accelerated vibration training not only improves muscle tone, but can benefit the entire kinetic chain and nervous system.

But what exactly is it like to work out on the 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate?

How do you train on a 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate?

The answers are actually pretty simple. You work out in much the same way as in more traditional methods, such as free weights or exercise machines, but in a much faster time period and with much more efficient results.

Let’s debunk the great myth about AVT (accelerated vibration training) right off the bat. You do not stand on an accelerated vibration training machine for 10-, or certainly not 20- or 30-minute or more increments as you might stay on a treadmill or elliptical machine. Any accelerated vibration training machine that has long-range timer displays for those durations was designed by people who have never been on one.

You wouldn’t do bench presses, leg extensions or squats for 10-minutes or more consecutively. Even picturing that sounds ludicrous.

And on the 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate and 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate you will be doing a workout very similar to traditional ones.

A person can start out with stretching by standing right on the accelerated vibration training plate, then progress to exercises for balance, core stability, overall strength and, finally, massage.

Now that last one, massage, is something you’re certainly not likely to find in your home gym or local Y.

The 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate has one A-C (alternating current) super-powered motor that sends programmable vibrations through the body to the activated muscles, while the 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate has two A-C super-powered motors.

The Hertz frequencies on both are adjustable from 30-50 in increments of one, allowing the user to finely tune the level of accelerated vibration training they’re comfortable with.

The amplitude (height the plate rises or lowers) can be also be adjusted in the 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate (from a low of .5 to 1.0 millimeters, high of 1.5 to 3.0 mm) and the 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate (low 1-2 mm, high of 3-4 mm).

Once you understand some of the basic settings and get into the workout, the real beauty of accelerated vibration training will be felt.

Whereas a normal leg extension, squat, shoulder press or bent over row might only work a limited number of muscle fibers, accelerated vibration training’s innovative vibrations cause the body’s natural reflexes to contract the engaged muscles 25 to 50 times a second.

Studies show accelerated vibration training will enable the user to work up to 95 percent of the muscle fibers, compared to as little as 20 percent with standard gym equipment.

The only way normal strength straining can get even close to utilizing even close to the number of muscle fibers that AVT engages is through a progression of excruciatingly tough sets that lead to muscle fatigue, which can sometimes put the joints and ligaments in jeopardy.

Once the user is warmed up to the accelerated vibration training, which doesn’t take long, they can activate nearly all of the muscle fibers – and they don’t have too push it to maximum fatigue as is the case with traditional methods.

We will list sample workout programs in future articles, but generally speaking a very good accelerated vibration training session can be completed from start to finish in 30 minutes or less.