With the dog days of summer upon us, we’re entering the hottest stretch of the year. In parts of the country like Arizona, if you want to exercise hard outside you need to get up in the wee hours of the morning to beat the heat.
Or, instead you can work out any time indoors in the privacy of your own home with an award-winning 3G Cardio treadmill. Some of you may be thinking, “Treadmills are boring.” Or, “A good treadmill is too expensive.”
Those statements are simply not true if you own a 3G Cardio treadmill. Winners of multiple Best Buy Awards for each of the last five years, including The Fit Prof Treadmill Brand of the Year for 2016, 3G Cardio treadmills are comparable to brands that sell for $1,000s more. Amazon.com ratings consistently rank 3G Cardio treadmills among the very best sold by the giant retailer.
3G Cardio treadmills are also carried by retailers nationwide.
3G Cardio treadmills have the quality engineering and parts for you to get a great interval workout, which keeps the run, jog or walk more entertaining. Simply stated, interval training is alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity.
For instance, when walking you might incorporate short bursts of jogging into your regular brisk walks. If you’re less fit, you might alternate leisurely walking with periods of faster walking. If you’re running, go harder for two minutes and then slow down for one.
When you’re in the midst of an interval workout on your treadmill, the last thing you want to do is wait for a slow treadmill to get you up to speed. Or, wait for an inferior treadmill to rev down.
With the 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill ($3,999) and 3G Cardio Pro Runner Treadmill ($2,499), which can fold up for storage, you can go from 0 to 10 mph in just 15 seconds, compared to 30-40 seconds for most competitors’ treadmills. Obviously, most people don’t run at close to 10 mph, but it’s nice to know that even if you’re switching between common speeds such as 3-7 mph you’ll have much better control of the workout on a 3G Cardio Treadmill.
The 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill features a powerful DC 4.0 hp motor, huge 22×62 belt and can accomodate users weighing up to 400 pounds. It’s plenty sturdy with an assembled weight of 386 pounds.
Likewise, 3G Cardio treadmills have the same speed advantage when it comes to revving down after running at top speed. The speedy transitions from slow to fast, or vice versa, make 3G Cardio treadmills perfect for CrossFit workouts or other types of interval training workouts.
3G Cardio uses superior parts in its motors. One of the many benefits is that you won’t mess up your interval training program while waiting for the treadmill to get up to the proper speed.
For every 1 mph you increase the speed on a 3G Cardio treadmill, it only takes 1.5 seconds to get there.
The 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill and 3G Cardio Pro Runner Treadmill are dream treadmills for interval training. 3G Cardio also gives people the opportunity to own a High End Treadmill at an affordable cost. This model matches up with commercial treadmills that sell for thousands more.