In as little as 30 seconds someone can experience the amazing benefits of the 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate and 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate.

Before getting on the machine, stand and touch your toes — or stretch your hands as close to them as you can.

Then, stand on the Accelerated Vibration Training (AVT) plate for 30 seconds and repeat the toe touch.

The vibrations will cause the muscles to begin involuntary reflexive contractions in response to the vibration’s disruption in stability. The muscles will contract 25 to 50 times a second, using up to 95 percent of the muscle fibers — compared to as little as 20 percent with traditional training methods.

Just like a doctor’s strike to the lower knee causes the leg to reflexively kick forward, Accelerated Vibration Training (AVT) causes natural, involuntary contractions to occur at the neural level.

Whereas the body ordinarily will lock up at a certain point in a toe-touch, for example, the vibrations relax the muscles to allow a deeper stretch reflex.

After completing the 30-second stretch on the 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate and 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate, then get off the machine and try another toe-touch on the ground.

The almost universal reaction is “Wow!” People are amazed at how much lower they are able to stretch, and how much smoother it feels.

Remember, that’s after just 30 seconds on the AVT plate! Imagine what training on the 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate and 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate for months, or even years, will do to your flexibility, not to mention strength, balance and a host of other health benefits.