The Internet may have more fake reviews than legitimate ones. Search Google for a product you’re interested in and, unfortunately, it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction.
However, Amazon goes to extensive lengths to protect the credibility of reviews on its website. The 3G Cardio company is proud to have received a 5-star rating on Amazon for its line of Best Buy winning High End Treadmills.
The 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill ($3,999) gives people the opportunity to own a High End Treadmill at an affordable cost. This model matches up with commercial treadmills that sell for thousands more.
This Elite Runner Treadmill is a full-size, commercial quality machine. It features an oversized running surface that’s powered by a big, powerful DC 4.0 hp motor that drives a 22×62 belt. With a weight of 386 pounds, the 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill is sturdy enough for just about anyone to run on it and can even be a Marathon Treadmill for long-distance athletes to train in. It can accommodate people weighing up to 400 pounds. All it will take is one test run and you will be sold. This commercial grade model has all the necessary built-in electronics you need — and nothing you don’t.
The 3G Cardio Pro Runner Treadmill ($2,499) is the perfect treadmill for those who want quality, but also need to conserve space and comes at a value price. While there are many folding treadmills on the market today, the Pro Runner Treadmill offers users the unique ability to have a high quality and space saving treadmill all in one! Most folding treadmills lack the quality needed to run at higher speeds or longer distances but that is not the case with the Pro Runner Treadmill.
The 3G Cardio 80i Fold Flat Treadmill is the best Fold Down Treadmill on the market – and the only one that you can get a quality running workout on. The vast majority of fold down treadmills don’t allow users to go past 4 mph, but the 3G Cardio 80i Fold Down Treadmill has speeds that range from 0.5 to 11 mph. Just as impressive, it can be set for a maximum incline of 15 levels. Most fold down treadmills are meant for low-impact walking and will feel extremely slow and flimsy if you try to run on them. The 3G Cardio 80i Fold Flat Treadmill can accommodate people who weigh up to 325 pounds. It can fold down to a height of just 9.75 inches and easily be rolled under the bed, pool table, etc. for storage. If you prefer it can be folded up and stored vertically in a closet, corner of the room, etc.