The health benefits of accelerated vibration training on the 3G Cardio 5.0
AVT™ Vibration Plate and 3G Cardio 6.0 AVT™ Vibration Plate are extensive.
Most people with at least a little knowledge of accelerated vibration
training know that it allows people of all ages and physical abilities to
tone and strengthen muscles.
The new 2012 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate and 3G
Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plates work in an up-and-down
motion to accelerate training.
It allows the muscles to get a great workout, often better than people
would normally get with traditional methods such as running or lifting
free weights. Because it puts less pressure on the joints and ligaments,
many people are able to work their muscles to a much greater degree using
the 3G Accelerated Vibration Training Plate.
However, the health benefits of accelerated vibration training extend far
beyond just improving muscle tone.
People can experience better overall health after training with the 3G
Accelerated Vibration Training Plate. Studies show they gain health
benefits such as improving circulation, reducing pain, relieving stress
and moving and performing better in general.
Incredibly, users even improve their overall bone density, reverse bone
loss and strengthen tendons and ligaments.
How is this possible? When muscles are activated, strain is also applied
to the bones, which makes them stronger as well. As bone deals with
stress, it keeps itself strong.
As people become more sedentary as they get older, one of the major
reasons their bones weaken is that they don’t get enough exercise.
Accelerated Vibration Training is one way to reverse the process of bone
loss, in addition to also getting proper nutrients such as calcium.
You can get a great cardio workout in addition to strengthening and
stretching muscles on the 3G Cardio Accelerated Vibration Training Plate.
The benefits of using the innovative design from 3G cardio can help
improve a person’s overall coordination and balance.
You can see results even on the first use. Touch your toes before getting
on the 3G Cardio Accelerated Vibration Training Plate and then do a few
basic exercises. When you get off the machine, you will see a noticeable
difference in your flexibility the next time you try to touch your toes.
All things being said, the 3G Cardio Accelerated Vibration Training Plate
AVT™ 5.0 Vibration Plate and AVT™ 6.0 Vibration Plate can help improve a
person’s overall wellness.
Whether you’re a younger athlete in his or her prime looking to cross
train, or an older person who’s had trouble working out because of pain
and-or lack of flexibility, 3G Cardio’s Accelerated Vibration Training
Plate can greatly improve your fitness level and overall health.
Many people report working their muscles like they never had before on 3G
Cardio’s Accelerated Vibration Training Plate, or never thought would be
possible again. And as a result they feel an improved overall sense of empowerment.