Although the concept of vibration training machines goes back to ancient times, it’s only recently become part of the mainstream fitness scene. The 3G Cardio 5.0 and 6.0 Vibration Training Machines are among the top-ranked machines on the market today, receiving several Best Buy Awards.
Although vibration machines are the fastest growing area in fitness products, there’s still not a great of research on them out there. However, most all of the studies and articles on vibration training machines have concluded that they do play an important part in improving overall fitness and health.
Here’s a sampling of some of the credible information on vibration training, and the sources it came from, as reported by
* Vibration training is an effective training method to improve maximal strength and flexibility if training equipment is properly designed. (Journal of Biomechanics, April 2005)
* Whole body vibration resulted in an increased activation of leg muscles. (Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, February 2006)
* Acute whole body vibration training increased vertical jump and flexibility performance in elite female field hockey players. British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 39, 2005)
* Whole body vibration over a six-week period produced significant changes in running kinematics and explosive strength. (Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, March 2007)
* Whole body vibration training improved proprioception and balance in athletes who underwent reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament surgery. (British Journal of Sports Medicine, January 2008)
* Whole body vibration has the potential to induce strength gain in knee extensors among untrained females to the same extent as traditional resistance training at moderate intensity. (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, January 2003).
* Whole body vibration is a suitable training method and is as efficient as conventional resistance training in improving knee extension strength and speed of movement in older women. (Journal of the American Geriatric Society, Volume 52, 2004)
* With whole body vibration training, younger fit subjects may not experience gains unless some type of external load is added to the exercise. Whole body vibration has demonstrated gains in flexibility in younger athletic populations. (Current Sports Medicine Reports, May/June 2008).
* “Our players like vibration training, they believe in it and it works for them, so we’re going to use it,” says Michael Marotti, CSCS, Director of Strength and Conditioning at the University of Florida. As with any newer research field, the total analysis of vibration training is still under way.
However, with everyone from pro athletes, to celebrities, to rehab centers to average every day people using them, the medical evidence is starting to line up as well that this training method can have great benefits.